Wednesday, March 17, 2010

PROJECT ONE: Can Villa Feliz - Poche v1

The series of sketches are all drawn in different line weights, as to distinguish between the respective parts of the house. I have broken down the house into 3 different parts.

Right Sketch:
As this part of the house is located with the entrance, I thought this part of the house would be more appropriate for more acquaintances, or normal friends.

Middle Sketch:
This part of the house is located at the center with clearly divided living area's by walls, it gives off a more private feeling, also this part of the house seems like it is more reserved to the more important of the house's guests.

Left Sketch:
This part of the house is more private and it is separated by the middle living area, so that it is well away from the larger living area, where the occupants of the house may escape and relax.

1 comment:

  1. For analysis, What you have done is great. just be aware that the final drawing(plan) for poche should put 3 parts together.
