Wednesday, April 28, 2010

PROJECT 2: The Astonomer by Vermeer - Analysising

The Astronomer Analysis-ed

The out stretched hand to grasp the globe: wanting to understand

The Globe: serving as a reference point for the man to understand astronomy in the view of the world

Shadows in the room: giving the sense of unknown in discovery

The book shelve been hidden by shadows: indicates that the knowledge the man seeks is still in the unknown phase.

Windows: the window directly within his eye site is relatively smaller in width as oppose to the one above: giving us the notion that his knowledge can be expanded through his discovery to open his eyes to more knowledge.

The dividing mullion between the two windows: again been the unknown or uncertainty when discovering new knowledge and not knowing what discovery's will be made.

The books on top of the shelve: notion of struggle to gain more knowledge.


Vibes of The Painting









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